PAT Testing Cheshunt, From £60.00

Do you need PAT Testing Cheshunt? Call us today for more details!

PAT Testing Cheshunt

PAT Testing is advised for all public buildings, businesses and public areas. An insurance company would normally require PAT testing to be carried out annually before supplying employees insurance or public liability insurance. Also in the event of a fire or incident involving an untested portable electrical appliance it would be very difficult for the owner to claim no responsibility.

As a landlord The Electrical (Safety) Regulations 1994 requires that all mains electrical equipment supplied with the accommodation (for example, cookers, washing machines, kettles etc.) remains safe. In the workplace legislation of specific relevance to electrical maintenance is the Health and Safety at Work 1974, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.

It is clear that, in combination, these regulations apply to all electrical equipment used in, or associated with, places of work.

If you are unsure about needing PAT testing, please put your mind at ease and call us for more information.


“Is PAT the same as an Electrical Installation Condition Report?”
No – PAT is just appliance testing – basically anything with a plug on it.  It doesn’t look at the actual wiring of a property or the fuse board.

“My agent says it’s not a legal requirement for landlords.”
Whilst it isn’t a criminal offence to not carry out PAT Testing, a residential landlord would find it difficult to prove due diligence was followed if an incident occurred, without a PAT Certificate in place.  It falls under Health & Safety legislation.  If a fire occurred or someone got hurt, a landlord may have to prove due diligence was met to avoid severe repercussions.  Health & Safety law and Criminal law are often misunderstood.

The Electrical Safety Council’s Guidance recommends Portable Appliance Testing to satisfy a Landlord’s obligation to ensure that any portable electrical appliances provided under the tenancy are safe at the point of letting, and at periodic intervals after that.  Tenants should also be provided with instruction manuals and be told to read and follow them.

Order your PAT Testing Cheshunt

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